US-India Friendship

The objective of this blog is to discuss issues relating to US India relations, cooperation and friendship with the overall purpose being to bring the two largest democracies closer together. Special emphasis will be on the people-to-people relationship. While constructive criticism is welcome, nothing that borders on hate or destructive criticism will be allowed.

Location: New York, United States

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Do non-Indians have greater confidence in India than some Indians?

Judging from the feedback I received on Singapore intellectual and diplomat, Kishore Mahbubani’s article, which had predicted that "only India can provide [global] leadership .... China cannot, for a simple geopolitical reason," it looks like some Indians do not think so.

Here is another distinguished person, a British historian, Paul Johnson, while discussing the foreign policy issues that will confront the next US President, saying:

**I have no doubt that in the long run India will emerge the stronger and richer of the two countries [India and China]. In the meantime, however, China carries more weight. Rivalries are bound to flare up. During the next presidency the U.S. may have to decide which of the two to back, as well as figure out what repercussions that choice will have on its handling of a newly assertive Russia.**

Please read the full article below.


Ram Narayanan
US-India Friendship

US-India Friendship is a 100 percent not-for-profit labor of love, devoted to continuous improvement of US-India friendship and cooperation, especially people-to-people relations.


The Winner Will Need Brains and Guts

Paul Johnson 04.07.08, 12:00 AM ET

Watching the run-up to the U.S. presidential elections from proud and self-indulgent yet weak and cowardly Europe, I am disturbed that so little attention has been paid to electing a President who will have the courage to provide leadership--and, if need be, resolute action--in an increasingly dangerous world.

I stress the word "dangerous" because for nearly two decades the world has looked relatively safe. Since the collapse of Soviet communism, the disintegration of the Soviet empire and the emergence of the U.S. as victor in the Cold War, the nightmare of nuclear Armageddon has faded. We’ve been living in a period of comparative calm, under the watchful protection of the democratic and liberty-loving sole superpower.

This conjunction tempted one or two theorists to predict the end of history as an ideological struggle and the start of a future in which liberalism (democratic market economies) would slowly but inexorably become permanent and universal. I never believed this, not even in the first joyful flush of the Soviet collapse. I simply thought that history, far from ending, would become more complicated, bringing with it new dangers and anxieties. From a 2008 perspective, I’d say that was an understatement. We are once more living in a vertiginous world.

I’m not talking about the threat of Muslim fundamentalism. Thanks to some strong leadership from George W. Bush, that danger has been contained. Muslim extremists will not overthrow our societies. Fundamentalism will gradually lose its support and power as the majority of Muslims--who want a better life just as much as most other people do--reject its anarchism.

Disconcerting Maneuvering

No, what worries me most are the new moves and strategies being executed by the big players on the world chessboard. First and foremost is the revival of Russia. The huge expansion of China’s industrial economy (as well as those of other rapidly expanding former Third World powers) has effectively doubled the demand for energy, sending the price of oil skyrocketing. Of all the oil-producing countries, Russia has benefited the most, politically and psychologically.

The Russian people oscillate between a love of freedom, ending in anarchy, and a profound respect for strong leadership, ending in tyranny. They have recently gone through the anarchic phase and are now enthusiastically embracing Vladimir Putin’s brand of ruthless opportunism. Putin is not shackled by an ideology. He believes in nothing except power. He’s not a Communist but a former secret policeman. He is constructing an empirical police state, which tightly controls Russia internally in the name of restoring order, and is stretching its insidious reach worldwide through scientific assassination and new forms of sophisticated industrial espionage.

This is a formidable regime to deal with, not least because Putin is popular in Russia. He is restoring his nation’s self-respect, which was cruelly damaged by the loss of its European empire and by the independence of the vast and rich Ukraine, as well as other territories in the Caucasus and Asia. Putin is using Russia’s new wealth to rebuild its armed forces, sending off its newly efficient navy and its fleet air arm on exploratory missions on the high seas. The increasingly strident tone of Putin’s observations about the world also receives positive play at home.

Now, I’m not saying that Russia is--or is likely to become--a rival superpower to the U.S. Russia has many weaknesses--demographic, economic and cultural. But it is again a major factor in world politics. An index of Russia’s returning strength is the growing terror of its immediate neighbors and their anxiousness to take shelter under America’s nuclear-and-Star-Wars umbrella.

Needed: Intelligence, Finesse and Daring

The old 19th-century adage remains true: Russia is never as strong as it looks; Russia is never as weak as it looks. For nearly two decades we foolishly exaggerated its weaknesses, yet now that it appears strong again, we must not overestimate its strength.

Which of the leading U.S. presidential candidates is likely to provide the kind of firm, consistent and cerebral policies that will contain and render safe this newly invigorated Russia? From a European viewpoint this is the key question of the election. It is linked to other factors that have been looming but are now moving to the center on the world chessboard: the burgeoning economies of China and India. What policies should the U.S. adopt regarding them, separately and together?

China has taken the traditional road to economic superpower status by investing heavily in industry. China is also investing much of its new wealth in its armed services. India, on the other hand, is investing mainly in high tech, something at which its people seem to excel and which flourishes in a free society.

I have no doubt that in the long run India will emerge the stronger and richer of the two countries. In the meantime, however, China carries more weight. Rivalries are bound to flare up. During the next presidency the U.S. may have to decide which of the two to back, as well as figure out what repercussions that choice will have on its handling of a newly assertive Russia.

In short, the next American President will be obliged to make some courageous and complex decisions--probably early on in his or her Administration. Courage in complexity is the requirement voters should be looking for now.

Paul Johnson, eminent British historian and author; Lee Kuan Yew, minister mentor of Singapore; Ernesto Zedillo, director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, former president of Mexico; and David Malpass, chief economist for Bear Stearns Co., Inc., rotate in writing this column.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Is China Abdicating Global Leadership and Leaving that Role to India?

Dear Friends:

>>Is China abdicating global leadership and leaving that role to India?<<

Yes, says Kishore Mahbubani, former Singapore diplomat, one of the world's key intellectuals and a seasoned observer of international affairs.

Two key paragraphs:

**With America and Europe losing faith in multilateral norms, the responsibility should pass on to the new rising powers, China and India, to maintain these norms. Indeed, both China and India want to preserve them, but only India can provide the leadership to do so. China cannot, for a simple geopolitical reason. The rise of India is not generating alarm in Washington DC. The rise of China is. Hence, China, in an effort to assuage American concerns, is deliberately trying to avoid assuming any kind of global leadership. When the Cancun trade meetings failed, Indian Trade and Industry Minister Kamal Nath could confidently explain India’s position and challenge the American and European perspectives. The Chinese Trade Minister said nothing.

**By default, the weight of global leadership may fall on India’s shoulders. Fortunately, India is well-qualified to provide such leadership. Its credentials as the world’s largest democracy; its open, tolerant and inclusive culture; its unique geopolitical and cultural position as a bridge between East and West provides it a unique opportunity to provide the leadership for forging new forms of global governance that spaceship Earth desperately needs as it sails into the future.
The full article is reproduced below.


Ram Narayanan

US-India Friendship

US-India Friendship is a 100 percent not-for-profit labor of love, devoted to continuous improvement of US-India friendship and cooperation, especially people-to-people relations.


Can India save the world?

Kishore Mahbubani

March 21, 2008
First Published: 23:28 IST(21/3/2008)
Last Updated: 23:34 IST(21/3/2008)

Humanity is embarking on a bizarre journey into the future. Subconsciously, we all believe (or would like to believe) that we live in a rational, well-ordered universe. The reality is closer to the opposite. If this sounds unbelievable, consider the following analogy. Imagine 660 passengers boarding a ship that is sailing into unchartered waters. After boarding, all 660 retreat into their cabins. No captain or crew is taking care of the ship as a whole.

Sadly, this is a literal, not metaphorical description of how spaceship Earth is sailing into the future. Globalisation has shrunk the world. All 6.6 billion inhabitants now live in a single interdependent universe. From financial crises to health epidemics, from borderless terrorism to global warming, we are moving into a world where more global governance (not global government) is needed to manage the growing interdependence. Instead, precisely when more is needed, humanity is either shrinking or weakening global governance. This essay will explain why. It will also argue that perhaps only one country can solve this crisis — India.

Global governance is shrinking because the West, which spun a rich web of multilateral institutions and norms after World War II, is losing faith in multilateralism. The Western powers were happy to be custodians of the main rules and processes of the global order because they were convinced that a more rules-bound universe, accompanied by greater trade liberalisation, would benefit the Western economies the most since they had the world’s most competitive economies. This conviction of economic superiority led the West to bring down trade barriers.

They had no doubt that the West would win on an open economic playing field.

John F Kennedy illustrated this confidence when he said in 1962, “A more liberal trade policy will in general benefit our most efficient and expanding industries.” The boundless optimism of Kennedy has been replaced by the boundless pessimism of Lou Dobbs, who is convinced that American workers cannot compete with Chinese or Indian workers. Sadly, Lou Dobbs is not an isolated phenomenon. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have joined the race to the bottom by declaring that each is more protectionist than the other. This reflects the new psyche of the American population. Europe is not much better.

If both America and Europe lose confidence in their ability to compete, how can they remain custodians of the rules that ensure fairness and equity? To be fair, humanity should thank both first for creating the 1945 rules-based order at the end of World War II. To understand how visionary the Western founding fathers of this order were, just contrast what they did after World War II with what was done after World War I. After World War I, the world order forced Germany and Japan to go to war as they tried to expand their political and economic space. After World War II, both Germany and Japan significantly expanded their political and economic space without going to war.

If humanity can sustain this 1945 rules-based order, this will enable both China and India to emerge as new great powers peacefully, just as Germany and Japan did. But there are differences now. Both Germany and Japan emerged when America and Europe (including Germany) believed that an open global order would naturally benefit the West. Today, China and India are emerging at a time when the West is losing faith in an open global order. This growing lack of faith explains the strange behaviour of both America and Europe towards global governance.

America has taken cynicism towards multilateralism to a whole new level. Just look at the issue of America and Iran. Every few months, America goes back to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to get a resolution against Iran. It hopes to use the legitimacy of the UN to send a message to Iran that the world disapproves of its behaviour. America is right. The UN does enjoy this legitimacy in the eyes of the world’s population, despite the many flaws of the UN. But the world has also become sceptical of America’s efforts to use the UN because America had violated the spirit, if not the letter, of the UN’s principles by going to war in Iraq without an enabling UNSC resolution. Most international lawyers and Kofi Annan believe that the American invasion of Iraq was illegal. Can a violator of UN principles become an enforcer? Can a thief become a judge?

In an act of even greater cynicism, America sent an Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, who believed that his mission was not to strengthen but to weaken the UN. He famously declared that “if the UN building lost ten stories, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference”.

A favourite American expression is that there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is also no such thing as cost-free cynicism. The rampant American cynicism towards the UN in particular and multilateralism in general could now dangerously erode and destroy the 1945 rules-based order when the world has never needed it more. Both China and India will be the biggest losers if this happens. Its destruction could well prevent and derail their peaceful re-emergence of both these great powers.

It is as difficult to explain the critical importance of multilateralism to a lay audience as it is to illustrate the importance of oxygen. We know that without oxygen we would suffocate but we only truly understand this if we are thrown into a room without oxygen. By then, it may be too late. Similarly, one reason why the world is a reasonably stable place is because a sea of norms has been created in all fields to manage growing global interdependence. This sea of norms is a valuable heritage that humanity has developed.

But no norms can survive on their own. Neither would a sea of norms. Norms need custodianship. With America and Europe losing faith in multilateral norms, the responsibility should pass on to the new rising powers, China and India, to maintain these norms. Indeed, both China and India want to preserve them, but only India can provide the leadership to do so. China cannot, for a simple geopolitical reason. The rise of India is not generating alarm in Washington DC. The rise of China is. Hence, China, in an effort to assuage American concerns, is deliberately trying to avoid assuming any kind of global leadership. When the Cancun trade meetings failed, Indian Trade and Industry Minister Kamal Nath could confidently explain India’s position and challenge the American and European perspectives. The Chinese Trade Minister said nothing.

By default, the weight of global leadership may fall on India’s shoulders. Fortunately, India is well-qualified to provide such leadership. Its credentials as the world’s largest democracy; its open, tolerant and inclusive culture; its unique geopolitical and cultural position as a bridge between East and West provides it a unique opportunity to provide the leadership for forging new forms of global governance that spaceship Earth desperately needs as it sails into the future.
Kishore Mahbubani is Dean, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.

He is the author of The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

India Rural Development Action Program Conference set for the weekend of May 3rd and 4th in Chicago

Conference Brings Together Indian Americans and Other Friends of India Who Wish to Learn More About Conditions in India’s Villages and Take an Active Role in Improving Them

A group of Indian American activists for India is coordinating and sponsoring the India Rural Development ACTION Program Conference in Chicago, Illinois the weekend of May 3rd and 4th, 2008. The primary purpose of the Conference is to develop concrete action programs for water development, healthcare, primary education and economic development of rural Indian villages. It is a follow-up to the December, 2007 Rural India Learning Journey undertaken by 24 Indian Americans.

The Learning Journey, to rural areas in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, gave the participants first-hand knowledge of how the villagers of India are faring compared to the rapid progress of the upper and middle-classes in the cities of India. Most of the areas visited fell within rain shadow regions in which livelihood is primarily agricultural and heavily dependent on scanty, seasonal rainfall. All of the villages suffer from acute shortages of drinking water and water for growing crops, as well as all of the other infrastructural deficiencies attendant upon poverty.

The experience, while certainly eye-opening, was perhaps unexpectedly a positive one. Some of India’s dynamic social entrepreneurs, otherwise known as NGOs (Non-Government Organizations), are already in action lending a helping hand to transform rural India. Many villagers themselves, in particular the women, are also pulling themselves up, making heroic efforts to conserve rain water resources, and improve their livelihood in all aspects. What the group saw and experienced, gave us renewed hope that rural India is NOT a basket case. Still a lot, lot more needs to be done.

Participants in the Learning Journey consider the Chicago Action Program Conference the logical next step by friends of India in the US, including Indian Americans, toward making a concrete contribution to the future of India. During the May 3rd and 4th Conference, participants in the Learning Journey and other veterans in grassroots development, will share their experiences and discuss the work of credible NGOs already making strides in developing rural India and how the successful models of village development could be scaled up and replicated elsewhere in India. Most importantly, they plan to formulate specific project possibilities and encourage others to participate in future Learning Journeys to different Indian states in 2008 and 2009.

Ultimately, the objective is to get together friends of India in the U.S. including Indian Americans. We want ALL of rural India to make progress during the next decade or two -- including the states of the north and east that have lagged behind.

For details about the Chicago Conference, visit

If you would like to speak to some one, call

Ram Narayanan at 716 875 9976 or

Raj Rajaram at 630 915 6176 .

You are welcome to post your comments about the Conference on

US-India Friendship is a 100 percent not-for-profit labor of love, devoted to continuous improvement of US-India friendship and cooperation, especially people-to-people relations.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

PWC Report on "The world in 2050"- India tops the growth league table‏

PriceWaterhouseCoopers(PWC) have just published (March 2008), a report titled, "The world in 2050 - Beyond the BRICs: A broader look at emerging market growth prospects." [The acronym BRICs stands for Brazil, Russia, India and China.]

This is an update of PWC's report of March 2006.

PWC affirm that they are now even more optimistic than in their 2006 report about China and India, given the two countries' recent very strong performance.

Some of the highlighted projections of their latest analysis:

**By 2050, the E7 emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India and China, plus Mexico, Indonesia and Turkey) will be around 50% larger than the current G7 (US, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Canada). PWC are only projecting a relative decline in the size of the G7 economies. In absolute terms they might grow by around 150 percent in real terms between 2007 and 2050. In the long run, the growth of E7 and G7 will be mutually beneficial, reinforcing each other rather than competitive, as each will have the opportunity to specialise in its areas of comparative advantage.

**China is expected to overtake the US as the largest economy in around 2025.

**India has the potential to nearly catch up with the US by 2050.

** Thus, the three major economies in the world in 2050 are likely to be China, the US and India. There will be a huge gap between these three economies and the next largest viz. Brazil and Japan. ,

**Among the smaller nations, the projected list of fastest growing economies to 2050 is headed by Vietnam, and the top 10 includes Nigeria, Philippines, Egypt and Bangladesh

**By 2050, the Japanese economy is projected to be somewhat smaller than that of Brazil and not much larger than those of Russia or Mexico, having been overtaken much earlier by China (in around 2010) and India (in around 2025).

**If the GDP in PPP(Purchasing Power Parity) terms of the US, the benchmark economy, is taken as 100, China will grow from 51 in 2007 to 129 in 2050, India from 22 to 88, Brazil from 15 to 26, Russia will remain the same at 17, Indonesia will grow from 7 to 17, Mexico from 10 to 17, and Turkey fro 5 to 10. Japan will decline from 28 to 19, Germany from 20 to 14, and both UK and France from 15 to 14; and Korea from 9 to 8.

**Over 2007-50, projected growth in GDP in PPP terms of India at 8.5 percent is expected to be higher than China's 6.8 percent; and GDP per capita in PPP terms will be 5 percent for India and 4.6 percent for China.

**India could rise from today’s relatively low levels to emerge as the third largest domestic banking market in the world by 2040 — and could ultimately grow faster than China.

**Impact of global growth on carbon emissions: The projections demonstrate that if countries sit back and adopt a "business as usual" approach, the result could be a more than doubling of global carbon emissions by 2050. Based on current scientific thinking, this could have potentially serious longer term implications in terms of global warming and related climate change. On the other hand, a scenario such as the "Green growth plus" strategy outlined in the report could allow for continued healthy growth whilst controlling carbon emissions.

**The major shift in economic power to emerging countries such as China and India should be grasped by those in established economies as an opportunity to boost trade rather than feared as an economic death knell.

"What might surprise some readers," the PWC report avers, "is that India rather than China, tops our growth league table." This reflects the following factors:

(a) significantly slower labor growth in China due in particular to the effects of its one-child policy; this will lead to a rapid ageing of the Chinese population over the next 45 years and a projected decline in its working age population, while India's working age population is projected by the UN to continue to grow at a healthy rate;

(b) the fact that average productivity and edication levels across the population are currently lower in India than inChina, giving the former greater scope to catch up with the OECD countries in the long run, provided that India can maintain the right kind of institutional policy framework to support economic growth (and also gradually overcome cultural barriers to female education in rural areas of India in partcular;

(c) China's growth to date has been driven by very high savings and capital investment rates, but experience with Japan and other earlier 'Asian tigers' suggests that such investment-driven growth eventually runs into diminishing returns once income levels approach OECD levels; as China ages, it is also likely that its savings rate will drop as assets are 'cashed in' to pay for the retirement of its ageing population, though it is still assumed that its savings and investment rates remain somewhat above the OECD average in the long run.

China is projected to remain the fastest growing BRIC economy over the next few years, but is gradually overtaken in terms of growth rates (though not levels of GDP) by India in around 2015 and Brazil in around 2025. The decelerating growth profile in China reflects the factors discussed above, in particular China's rapidly ageing population ( the same factor accounts for the marked deceleration in projected growth in Russia over the next 20 years). In contrast, the much younger and faster growing Indian and Brazilian populations are able to sustain a more stable rate of growth up to around 2030, although after that they too experience a gradual deceleration as their populations also begin to age.

[A question: What happens if, in the near future, China changes its "one-child" policy to, say, a "two-children" policy?]

Where India will not shine as much as the other nations is in GDP per capita. Here, clearly, its population size acts as a drag In constant 2006 dollars, India's GDP percapita in PPP terms is expected to rise from $2500 in 2007 to only around $20,000 in 2050, whereas China's corresponding figure jumps from $5200 to $34,500.

To read the complete report of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, please click: "The world in 2050 - Beyond the BRICs: A broader look at emerging market growth prospects"

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

**Tarun Khanna's book on "How China and India are reshaping their futures and yours"

I have just finished reading Harvard Business School Professor Tarun Khanna's exhaustively researched book "Billions of Entrepreneurs: How China and India are Reshaping their Futures - and Yours." It presents a comparative analytical study of how entrepreneurship is making a big difference to the economies of both China and India.

First, a surprise -- the book makes no mention of the principal thesis of his previous paper published (jointly with Yasheng Huang of MIT) in 2003 in Foreign Policy Magazine which was titled, "Can India Overtake China?".

That article said:

"What’s the fastest route to economic development? Welcome foreign direct investment (FDI), says China, and most policy experts agree. But a comparison with long-time laggard India suggests that FDI is not the only path to prosperity. Indeed, India’s homegrown entrepreneurs may give it a long-term advantage over a China hamstrung by inefficient banks and capital markets.",

and concludes as follows:

"China and India have pursued radically different development strategies. India is not outperforming China overall, but it is doing better in certain key areas. That success may enable it to catch up with and perhaps even overtake China. Should that prove to be the case, it will not only demonstrate the importance of homegrown entrepreneurship to long-term economic development; it will also show the limits of the FDI-dependent approach China is pursuing."

The present book makes no such assertion, though it does admit that mainland China has "so few world-class indigenous private companies despite the creation of a juggernaut of an economy".

I asked the Professor a straight question by email:

"Will India's dynamic private sector help India beat China as an economic power by mid-21st century?".

The following was his email response:

"Indeed, it is the central theme of some of the chapters. In China, the government is the entrepreneur, in India it is almost exclusively the privatre sector and civil society that innovates. Though the book is really a ‘big tent’ book on entrepreneurship, as I say, not just folks taking companies public and making billions, but also entrepreneurs who circumvent social and political constraints, discover new ways to better lives etc., and do so very differently in both China and India. But I do say at the end that the question’ which is better’ is less interesting than the fact that there is so much good happening in both; each has its own warts, and they are different in different places."

My reply:

"I was NOT really interested in the question "which is better", but whether a dynamic Indian private sector will in the end be able to take India above China as a global economic power house?".

His response:

"Dynamic Indian sector is becoming more dynamic as we speak. It has to compensate for the state’s weaknesses, and hopefully ‘infect’ the state with its own competence, so that collectively it can match other fast growing nations".

A point that puzzled me at the outset was the title of the book, "Billions of Entrepreneurs". How could there be billions of entrepreneurs in China and India when the total population of the two countries is only 2.4 billion.?

Now for some excerpts from the book:

**Whereas harmony through merit-based autocracy is a defining characteristic of the Chinese state, the Indian state is probably best characterized by pluralism. India's diversity is so great that a key to sustaining its democracy has been finding a way to balance the often inconsistent demands of various groups with the needs of the collective. The good news is that the Indian system has worked to devolve power so that influence and prestige are distributed to more than the usual socio-economic elites to include several disparate historically disenfranchised groups. The bad news is that this accommodation has often come at the expense of useful collective action.

**Information accessibility in China and India: The Indian system generates noisy but unbiased information; the Chinese system generates noise-free but biased information. In China, can I believe the financial information in a company's annual report? Not really. Is it easier to find reliable information about a company in India? Yes.

**The continuing power of the Party hierarchy is evident in the black lists of individuals prohibited from visiting China. I know of no such lists for democratic India.

**Despite Chinese opacity and Indian transparency, US media give significantly more coverage to China than to India.

** Why China can build cities overnight and India cannot? Institutional inefficiency -- resulting from well intentioned constraints on the government, like the free press, judicial processes, and civil society -- has checked and balanced India into paralysis.

**Over two decades the world watched in awe as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) transfomed China economically. China's GDP per capita rose from $673 in 1978 to $5,878 in 2005. Further, the number of people living in absolute poverty dropped from roughly 250 million to an estimated 26 million.


**Despite severe government intervention and control of Chinese capital markets, the country grows by leaps and bounds. If China can grow with a non-existent domestic capital market, perhaps that 'necessary' condition for economic growth is not necessary after all. Indian bourses, on the other hand, have achieved significant credibility. Mumbai now boasts of an equity market of very near first world status. The response to financial scams: The Chinese government opted for more regulation, control,, and draconian punishment. While technology, best practices, and corporate governance became the new mantra on the Indian market, in China regulation and centralization of powers triumphed over a structural reform of the markets.

**Unlike India, where capital markets however imperfectly, strive to serve the most efficient firms, the Chinese government chose to list only firms whose objectives aligned with the government's political goals. Favored firms, virtually all state-owned enterprises, had very little to show on their bottom lines and were often "bailed out" either by falsifying financial statements or government-led management, to use a euphemism, of their stock prices. India's capital markets, particularly on the equity side, and on the provision of bad debts, are far ahead of China's.

**In China, where capital is allocated by fiat, domestic savings are channeled through government-owned banks to recapitalize distressed state-owned enterprises. The banks themselves are bankrupt, the stock market is riddled with inefficiencies, and capital does not find its way to where it is most needed. The indigenous private enterprise that does exist in China -- and the numbers of would-be entrepreneurs are large -- is constrained from attaining anything near its full potential. State-owned enterprises, while their numbers have shrunk, continue to account for half of all of China's assets, and virtually all of its massive non-performing loans. Indian equity markets, in contrast, rely on the existence of thousands of publicly traded but privately owned indigenous firms and on an industry of independent purveyors of reasonably reliable information that allow individual savers to choose where to invest. New banks are forcing the old deadwood to pick up the game. Competition is the norm, rather than the top down decision making and intervention seen in China's capital markets.

**One estimate suggests that the better banks in India have reached 55 percent of the efficiency of U S banks, with India's best banks comparable to the best worldwide. On a per transaction basis, the cost structure of the best Indian banks is 10 percent that of a comparable transaction in a global bank. In China, the four largest state-owned banks still dominate the banking landscape, acounting for 75 percent of loans and capital and presiding over non-performing loans worth $230 billion. Several attempts to recapitalize these banks have accomplished little. Their fates are tied up to bankrupt state-owned enterprises virtually impervious to reform.As The Economist asks: "What kind of bank makes loans of which a third will not be repaid? The communist kind."

** Weak financial institutions make corporate governance an oxymoron in China. Ratings of firms across several emerging markets published by investment banking firm, Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia, dramatically highlighted China's failed corporate governence. The criteria used to assess corporate governance were management discipline, transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility, fairness, and social responsibility. India ranked sixth in the study, China ranked 19th.

**Corporate success in China commonly comes at the government's bidding, with the CCP(Chinese Communist Party) deciding how, when and where to project China. Indian companies, especially successful ones, rarely do the government's bidding. Rather it might be only a slight exaggeration to say that the government bows to the suggestions of of successful firms such as Infosys regarding the most expedient course of action to improve the Indian business climate. As a commentary on both the adaptability of indigenous entrepreneurs and the morass of government enterprise, even in the 1960s the private sector contributed as mush as 87 percent of India's GDP and was a key employment generator for the country.

** Much of China's growth seemed to come from plowing in more inputs, rather than from more efficient use of a given quantity of inputs over time.

**China and India could have a stronger impact on each other and the world than either country could alone. What China is good at, India is not, and vice versa. This complementarity creates grounds for an economic cooperation that has already begun, as native entrepreneurs tap into each other's backyards in a reprise of their long-term historical cooperation rather than their recent four decades of hostility. [Khanna does not discuss the point that though China-India business cooperation has zoomed in recent years, the "trust deficit" that persists is unlikely to take that cooperation far, unless China stops coveting populated Indian territories.]

**For the first time since the rise of the West, entrepreneurs in Asia can ignore New York and London almost entirely, and still build companies worth billions. The economic center of gravity is moving toward the east.

**There is rampant corruption in both countries, but the corrupt in China are demanding a piece of something new that is being created - the government is the entrepreneur - whereas India's corrupt are content to help themselves without any real contribution. The good news in India comes not from the government, but from civil society and the private sector, who are increasingly embracing some of the government's tasks....While the government is more efficient in China, the foundations for a market economy are much more robust in India.

**The mirror-image quality image of China and India: one favors multinationals over indigenous private companies, the other advantages its locals and shuns its foreigners.[One might question whether India really "shuns" foreigners, though it's true that China, unlike India, has gone out of the way to favor foreigners over its indigenous entrepreneurs.]

**In India, where entrepreneurship is almost inconsistent with the sclerotic bureaucracy, the government remains chronically incapable of matching China's display of hard power. This is most dramatically seen in how China is out-muscling India in its search for oil. Instead, India oozes soft power. In India's noisy political economy, creativity and the arts thrive. Entrepreneurs run amuck. The expansion of influence -- whether by India's film industry, international expansion by individual companies, or the soaring presence of yoga in the West -- amounts to influencing the world through soft power.

**Although competitioin from the state in China and from local companies in India will always, to a certain extent, constrain multinationals, research shows that both these forms of competition are equally effective. It is unclear that multinationals do unambiguosly better in China than in India, or vice versa. The most successful multinationals, those building long-term positions in either country, invariably pay more attention to contributing to local welfare than to their bottom lines. Landing on foreign soil to make a quick buck virtually never pays.

On greater annual FDI flows into China as compared to India: Multinationals find investing in China attractive. But Yasheng Huang (of MIT) has argued that China is forced to rely on FDI because it does not have the means to effectively channel domestic savings into productive investments. The state-owned and state-directed banks are largely defunct and used primarily to prop up state-owned enterprises that to a large extent continue to burn money. Much investment in the 1990s was from small and medium size enterprises from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, not from typically large Western multinationals. Much of the money coming into China is not being used to finance productive investments in ways that most countries use FDI; rather it is being used to repurchase assets previously owned by state-owned enterprises. India, unlike China, has a viable stock market that is more welcoming of foreign investment and provides numerous asset categories in which foreigners can chose to invest part of their portfolios. For example, the foreigner might opt to buy stock in a factory-owning company listed on an Indian stock exchange, but might be forced to use FDI to open a factory in China. Thus a comparison of FDI numbers would disadvantage India inappropriately precisely because India has the better financial infrastructure.

**Perception plays a big role in encouraging foreign investment. Even managers of Asian companies I visited were sure that their Indian operations outperformed their Chinese operations but were convinced that the Chinese operations mattered more to headquarters. Because much of the hype about doing business in China is not grounded in facts and figures, many senior executive meetings will continue to start with the well meaning but uninformed assertion, "We simply MUST be in China".


**Paramount in Westerners' thoughts of China and India are imagesof desperate poverty, malnourished children trudging barefoot on a dusty road, ragged peasants toiling. In India as many as 390 million live in grinding poverty, if poverty is measured by the international standard of those exisitng on less than $1 a day. The situation is a bit better in China. In 2001, the World Bank estimated that 400 million Chinese had been lifted out of poverty over the prior two decades. China's rising incomes among its rural population are a testament to the government's efficiency in planning, leading and executing change. In India, however, political emancipation and empowerment for people at the bottom of society has not translated to economic and social gains. The government has not yet learned from the private sector and civil society, which are currently easing individual pockets of poverty.

**Henan Province is among China's poorest, Gujarat State is among India's richest; yet villagers in Henan seemed better off than those in Gujarat. What struck me most [in Chengguan town of a 100,000 people, in Henan] were the street sweepers, hard at work in the early morning hours, face masks protecting them from the dust. The street was entirely free from garbage. How different was this from India, where the city government hires unionized street sweepers who can fail to show up and not worry about being fired because prolabor legislation and electoral politics prevent any threat of retaliatory government action from being credible. Even if the city government farmed out the city cleaning contract to a private entrepreneur, corruption would likely ensure that the contract was awarded to a crony who would not do the work.Any run in even a major Indian city, let alone a smaller one comparable to Chengguan, would be an exhibition of squalor even at dawn.

**I drove from Chengguan to Qiu Village and was impressed by the paved roads we traveled, as well constructed as the Massachusetts turnpike I know at home. Good roads mean that the trip from the Village to the county hospital is less than a half hour, and summoned ambulances arrive as reliably as they do in the US. Again I was struck by the contrast with Indian villages, where only the most rudimentary medication is available, and ambulances are non-existent. Qiu Village displayed not exactly prosperity but at least the absence of the desperation of many Indian villages.

**In 2002, 91 percent of the Chinese populace aged 15 and older could read and write; 87 percent of females and 95 percent of males in that age group were lierate. In contrast, the Indian adult literacy rate was just 60 percent in 2002, with only 48 percent of females and 70 percent of males literate.

**The drive from Ahmedabad to the village where I was to meet SEWA (Self-Employed Women's Association) members was in some ways similar to the one I took in Henan, but in other was it was quite different. Although Henan is one of China's poorer provinces, its countryside seemed far more prosperous than that of Gujarat, one of India's richest states. The road from Ahmedabad, like most roads in India, were bumpy, with slow-moving traffic interrupted by wayward trucks, animals of all sorts, and penurious figures trudging precariously alongside.

**In a sense, civil society [NGOs like SEWA] and the private sector [companies like ITC], rather than the government, have provided health, education and sanitation to rural India. SEWA's and ITC's innovations are based on a simple but powerful idea, borrowed from the world of technology: the more participants a network has, the more powerful the netwotk becomes.

**By Indian standards, public hospitals in China are reasonably well functioning. They are clean, free of crowds, and well run. But as of 2003 some 80 perecent of China's rural population -- roughly 640 million people -- still lack health insurance. In a ranking of 191 member nations on the overall health of their populations, the WHO's 2000 report ranked China 81st and India 134th. In terms of equitable distribution of health, the same report ranked China 101st and India 153rd. Although India has a number of charismatic individuals whose work in private sector entrepreneurship is heartening, India's public sector health failure, which is far more prevalent, is absolutely heart-wrenching.

** To complicate the picture, India [the private sector] has begun to offer world-class health care to those who can afford it, including foreigners in the West. When Europeans and Americans fly to India for complicated, highly skilled surgeries that cost a fraction of what the procedure would cost at home, they receive not only a mended heart or hip, but also a revised image of India. No longer can these Westerners hold onto the stereotype of India as a poverty-sticken cow-populated country. Medical tourism is changing Westerners' ideas about the meaning of what Kipling termed the "white man's burden."

**China's working-age population grew by only 2.1 percent annually from 1975 to 2000, and that growth rate dropped to 0.5 percent in the next quarter century. Meanwhile, steady growth in the nation's dependent population means that China will not be rich when hundreds of millions have grown old and are afflicted with poor health. India's demographic projections appear more optimistic. Growth in its working-age population has shrunk from 2.3 percent to 1.6 percent anuually, but more importantly the annual growth in its dependents has fallen from 1.5 percent to 0.5 percent. India now expects to benefit from a demographic dividend of the sort that China did at the onset of the latter's reforms. However, complacency in India is unwarranted. An unhealthy working-age population, no matter how young, cannot spur economic growth.


**In recent times China's hard-power global expansion has been the result of premeditated and orchestrated state policy, while India's influence in the world has largely been achieved through soft power.

**Despite criticisms of its human rights violations, over the last five decades China's presence has gradually and convincingly eclipsed India's in South-east Asia, the region comprising modern Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Burma(Myanmar), the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The ascent to economic dominance is especially dramatic because India's influence in the region was at one time unrivalled. [I am not certain that Khanna's assessment is entirely valid so far as Singapore and Vietnam are concerned. In Singapore, the Indian economic presence is growing fast.]

**[Both China and India are short of oil.] But the Chinese trio of CNPC, CNOOC, and SinoPec outmaneuvers India. For example, Angola's state-owned oil company Sonangoal blocked India's state-owned ONGC from buying Shell's 50 percent stake in Sonangoal. The deal would have yielded about 5 million tons of crude oil daily for India from 2008.Angolan authorities did not appreciate Shell's direct deals with the Indian company. India, after all, offered only $200 million for developing railways, whereas the Chinese were willing to ante up ten times as much for several projects in Angola. Not surprisingly China won the deal. "Aid for oil" has emerged as part of a multidimensional Chinese approach toward energy-rich states. Chinese leaders have been all over Africa in recent times. In Zimbabwe, dealing with Robert Mugabe's unsavory regime, China has invested in minerals, roads and farming and supplied the dictator with jets and other weaponry. No conditionality is attached to these deals, especially in terms of political reforms.

**Virtually every Chinese energy company is active in Burma.China's ability to use its wealth and its willingness to deploy it in places where the Western world's oil companies are constrained, has made it the leading influence in Burma. Meanwhile, India's oil policy, from condemning the "generals" to accommodating them, thereby taking a page out of China's book, continues to lack the sure-footedness that the Chinese have perfected.

**Whether by engaging in diplomaic niceties, exchanging Chinese weapons for oil and gas from pariah states, or investing in cobalt and copper in civil-war torn Central Africa, China leads with its wallet, unrestrained by politically correct norms of international relations. Chinese rhetoric today, which privileges its "peaceful rise" and "harmonius society" while continuing to operate with abandon in war-torn Africa, echoes China's behavior in 1955 when it took aggressive action in Tibet and Korea while charming delegates at the Bandung conference with its talk of peaceful engagement.


**According to the political scientist Joseph Nye, "Much of American soft power has been produced by Holywood, Harvard, Microsoft and Michael Jordan." What are India's channels of exporting soft power? India's film industry -- Bollywood -- is the principal means by which India exports its soft power. The scale of Bollywood has eclipsed that of Hollywood, in 2003, 3.6 billion people attended 1100 Bollywood movies compared with the 2.6 billion moveigoers who attended 600 Hollywood films. Film star Amitabh Bachchan outpolled Chaplin, Olivier, and Brando in a BBC online vote as the "greatest star of stage or screen." The most obvious other candidate is the software industry -- the major reason India has reemerged on the world economic map. Another viable contender among India's primary soft-power exports is the nation's intellectual tradition. The last 200 years have witnessed many examples of what the 19th century diplomat Sir Charles Eliot called "the spread of Indian thought." One of the most significant was Swami Vivekananda, the orange robed monk who took the Chicago Conference on World Religions by storm in 1893. His influence survives in the dozens of missions that continue his teachings in the US over a 100 years later. A more modern cultural ambassador is Deepak Chopra, the Indian immigrant and doctor who is America's resident self-healer. Over the past two decades Chopra has emerged from the mainstream of American medicine to propagate inner healing and to spread the gospel of yoga.

**China has no comparable cultural ambassadors. Why the discrepancy? One reason lies in the role of the government in culture of the two countries. As one scholar put it, during four decades under the communists, Chinese cinema "often seemed one long reel of propaganda." Even after the 1978 opening up of China, the "Growth first, freedom later" slogan was applied most cruelly to the film industry. Content had to reflect the values of the "social spiritualist society," values that dominated artistic or commercial considerations. Film makers and artists in China are on the government payrolls, serving as mouthpieces of official propaganda rather than as ambassadors of culture. Indian artists are nothing if not loudly critical.; indeed, that is the source of their legitimacy. The messages these ambassadors send are not always cohesive and reveal no overarching national algorithm to reach superpower status. India's soft power cannot follow a disciplined plan because its decentralized message emanates from its diversity, its entrepreneurial spirit, and more recently its international ambition. On China's side the baton is passed from premiers to generals to party cadres. Team India passes it from internationally acclaimed film director Mira Nair to spiritual strongman Deepak Chopra to academic conscience Amartya Sen to software czar Azim Premji.

**While traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts have plenty of followers in the West, no single ambassador has achieved the fame and influence of Vivekananda in his time, or Chopra today. The paucity of such Chinese ambassadors surely has something to do with the attitude of the CCP to cultural activity over the past decades. Censors' intervention in the world of film is just one example. Remember that this stifling attitude was superimposed on a society where creativity, freedom of thought, and intellectual activity had been comprehensively wiped out during the Cultural Revolution.


**The Chinese are attempting to learn. Are the Indians doing nearly as much? In sharp contrast to China's state-led and state-executed plan to invest in creating an environment that fosters learning from the best in the software business, and in contrast to Indian entrepreneurs' eagerness to become part of that environment, stands the inability of the Indian state to plan or execute similar investments in areas where India lags behind the Chinese. India could, for example, learn from China's success in the hardware sector, among the most efficient in the world today. Over the last 20 years the world's technology giants have taken advantage of the low labor costs and incentives offered by the Chinese to set up factories on the mainland. By 2003 a fifth of total exports - and more than a third of the growth in China's exports - came from such factories.

**Kiran Karnik (head of India's NASSCOM, the software industry lobby group) told me that the Chinese sent delegation after delegation to Bangalore and Hyderabad to study and learn about India's software success. The Indian government has failed to create even the semblance of a framework within which Indian firms can learn from Chinese prowess. Although Indian firms like Infosys, TCS, and NIIT are all invited to educate Chinese graduates in the best practices of India's software industry, India does not attempt to learn from China.

[The obvious answer: In India this role MUST be filled NOT by the government, but by CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) and FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) jointly. Will they take up the challenge?]


**My favorite example of a company that has changed both China and India for the better is GE. GE has figured out how to profit from being in China and India and to contribute substantially to both countries. Its operations in China and India have learned to work together, making the proverbial whole greater than the sum of its parts.Said William Castelli (of GE): "India will plug into our global research and development engine. We have large laboratories in Shanghai and Bangalore. [GE's Jack Welch Technology Center in Bangalore is larger than similar centers in Munich and Shanghai.] What we are finding is that the research coming out of Bangalore is more affecting GE's global operations in plastics, medical devices, aeronautics, and complex statistical algorithms. GE Healthcare in particular has over 2000 algorithm writers in Bangalore.....The Indians are very hungry for success. They will stop at nothing."

**GE adapted to India, just as it did to China.But the results of the adaptation were different in the two countries, reflecting different local circumstances. For example, in China GE's strategy accounts for the presence of several of the company's major Fortune 500 customers - Dell. Nokia, Samsung, Hewlett-Packard - and for the dependability of manufacturing facilities in China. This is not the case in India. Not only has GE not acquired a critical mass of clients that are multinational companies, but also GE India has yet to achieve excellence in manufacturing. In India GE taps into what Indians do best - software and intellectual capital.

[I hope CII/FICCI has made or will do a study in depth as to why GE, in spite of being in India for so long, has not been able to achieve excellence in manufacturing, as compared to its China manufacturing operations. It's important that India's manufacturing capability takes off over a wide spectrum of consumer, intermediate and capital goods, because it's manufacturing that will create the much needed jobs for the masses of India, while research and software will help only a comparatively small minority of Indian elites to secure jobs.]

Khanna offers many interesting insights throughout the book such as on 'China's art of Diaspora Management' versus 'India's Art of Diaspora Mismanagement.'

A point that I noticed at the outset: of the five advance comments on the book published on the back cover, three were from Westerners including at least two Americans, while the remaining two were from Indians; there was not a single comment from a Chinese person. While reading the book, a quesion that came uppermost to my mind: would a Chinese translation of the book be allowed to circulate freely in China?

Overall, Khanna's book is a major contribution to the literature on the comparative aspects of Asia's two emerging economic powerhouses and their impact on the US and the world.

It's a 'must read' book .

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Rural India Learning Journey Conference

In December 2007, 24 Indian Americans embarked upon a Rural India Learning Journey trip which proved to be inspiring -- and exciting -- in terms of what we, Americans, can do to work with India's dynamic NGOs and the rural folks, to ensure that Bharat, as distinguished from India, can catch up and run.

The group has decided to convene an "India Rural Development ACTION PROGRAM Conference" in Chicago on the weekend of May 3rd and 4th, 2008. All Americans interested in the development of rural India, including of course, Indian Americans, are invited to participate in this unique week-end ACTION-ORIENTED Conference.

To see the Agenda and learn how to register, click Conference Agenda.

If you wish to read the report of our December 2007 Rural Learning Journey, visit Learning Journey Report